The Sugar Studio presents a virtual feast of Christmas confectionery.
These spicy biscuits have their roots in Europe with different versions now found almost everywhere in the world. We offer them in mild and spicy. Designs available are Gingerbread men (small), Christmas Motifs (medium) and Tree Ornaments (large). You can have them plain or with royal icing decorations and messages (pic to be updated soon) Check out our gingerbread house decorating activities here
AED 50per kg (plain biscuits)
Size: varies by design
Qty: varies by design
Please request a quote for the decorated biscuits based on your design choice. New pics coming soon.
Bits of walnut stuffed into dates, covered and baked in a pastry shell. Another confection that I havent been able to find the origins of. I cut out this recipe from a newspaper article back in the 80's and have been making them during christmas and other wise ever since.

AED 100per kg
Size: 1'' each
Qty: 100 pcs per kg
Available in packs of 250gms and upwards
Also known as Guava cheese (although it has no cheese) is made from ripe guava fruit and sugar. Traditionally colored in cochineal (burgundy) and cut into diamonds this confection orignates in Goa, India. I have visions of my parents slaving it out at the stove as the burgundy jam thickened, bubbled and blistered.
AED 75 per kg
Size: 3cm diamonds
Qty: Approx 80 pcs per kg
Available in packs of 500gms and upwards
**Due to the erratic availability of the right type of fruit for this product, we request you to list your order with us and we will revert back to you to confirm the same when we launch production.
Another Bombay specialty. Milk and sugar thickened and moulded into shapes. The true test of this confection is to achieve that beautiful cream color.
AED 175 per kg
Size: Varies by design
Qty: approx 200pcs per kg
Available in packs of 500gms and upwards
Probably has its roots in Goa due to the coconut factor but I have tried so many different versions of this sweet made by the East Indian community as well. My favorite is the little baskets of pastel coconut sweet which I havent had the courage to try yet.

AED 110 per kg
Size: approx 3cms squares
Qty: 70 pcs per kg
Available in packs of 250gms and upwards
This is a recipe I invented to combine some of my favorites, nuts, caramel and chocolate.

AED 175 per kg
Size: Approx 3cms mounds
Qty: 60pcs per kg
Availbale in packs of 250gms and upwards
Cocoa and coconut mixed with sugar and topped with glace cherries. This recipe was posted in the parrish bulletin when I was a student in high school. It soon became a permanent fixture in our Xmas sweets menu.

AEd 110 per kg
Size: approx 3cms mounds
Qty: approx 60 pcs a kg
Available in packs of 250gms and upwards
A favorite down under and in the west this recipe combines traditional fudge and crisp pecans with a little chocolate thrown in for good measure
AED 175 per kg
Also available in Walnut version AED 150 per kg
Size: 2'' mounds
Qty: approx 30 pcs per kg (can be made smaller on request)
Available in packs of 250gms and upwards
Pastry shells filled with mincemeat (a combination of dried fruit). A popular British treat, mince pies are considered to be the favorite snack of Father Christmas. A cup of milk and a few mince pies are usually kept near the fireplace for poor old Santa to indulge in when he delivers presents on christmas eve.

AED 36 per dozen
Size: approx 2'' dia. (mini muffin)
Qty: sold by the dozen
Available to order in a min of 1dozen and multiples of 6 thereafter
This was an experiment involving fresh strawberry pulp and and sugar converted it into a chewy candy which the kids could have as a school treat. No funny stuff added. Watch this space for more fresh fruit chewies.

AED 120 per kg
Size: 1'' pellets
Qty: 100 pcs per kg
Avaiable in packs of 250 gms and upwards
A mix of assorted nuts, dessicated coconut and marshmallows coated in chocolate.
AED 125dhs per kg
Size: 4cms squares
Qty: 50pcs per kg
Available in packs of 500 gms upwards
Traditionally made from almond meal and sugar, this confection has its roots in Europe. I dont really know how it wound its way into Bombay (India) but it was part of every X'mas platter. For the faint hearted among you who cannot withstand the strong almond flavor we also do a milder version using cashew nut.
AED 225 per kg (Almond) OR AED 200 per kg (Cashew)
Size: varies by design
Qty: Approx 200 pcs in assorted shapes and colors
Available in packs of 250gms and upwards
If you have survived this super long post, you definitely have a sweet tooth......keep watching this space as this list is set to grow over the coming days!